Domestic Violence

domestic-violenceMany people who suffer from domestic violence are not even aware that they are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence can be defined as any attempt to intimidate or control another person through the use of threats, manipulation, or force. Such actions include:

  • Restricting another person from leaving a room
  • Throwing objects as a way of intimidating the person
  • Harming an animal as a way of intimidating
  • Destroying a person’s belongings
  • Breaking furniture

Even when domestic violence takes on overt forms as a slap in the face, the victim often minimize such actions by blaming themselves or by minimizing the violent actions by saying such things as, “it doesn’t happen often.”

Listen to our radio broadcast on Monday the 6th of October at 9:30 a.m to find out more about this topic. The show will highlight myths about domestic abuse and provide helpful insights to victims.

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