Four Reasons Sexual Abuse of Children Is Not Stopped
By Michael Hart, M.A, C.C.C.
A very common reason why abuse is allowed to continue in families is the psychological defense mechanism called denial. The brain has a way of shutting out harsh realities that are too overwhelming to face. In many cases, the innocent parent, in retrospect, find it hard to understand why they did not notice the signs that were so obvious and why they did not take steps to stop the abuse. The evidence was right there before their eyes but it is as if their brain said “This is not real; it is not happening.”
- The second reason parents fail to take action against abuse is because doing so may result in having to make drastic decisions such as reporting a family member to the police, moving out of the family home with the abused child, and or informing Children’s Aid Society.
- Another reason parents do not put a stop abuse is that they are being psychologically and emotionally abused by the abusive parent and as a result lacks the capacity to stand up to the perpetrator.
- A fourth reason abuse of children is not tackled is that a parent may not be aware of some of the signs that sexual abuse is taking place. Sexual abuse is often disguised as sexual education, special love for a child, or massages. Usually the other parent will suspect that something seems strange with the relationship between the other parent and the child, but may feel that they are overreacting or paranoid.
If you suspect that your spouse, significant other, or someone else is molesting your child, speak to a professional about your suspicion or call the Children Aid Society at 613) 747-7800 and tell them about your concerns. It is better to err on the side of caution than to live with regret and guilt in the future because of the realization that you failed to protect your child. If you would like to speak to a Therapist at Elim Counselling Services, we can be reached at (613) 699-1677