Godly Parenting
Michael Hart, Canadian Certified Counsellor, along with Melissa Waggott, delivers a very important talk on parenting. To a great extent, who we are today is depends on what sort of parenting we had in childhood. Some of us carry emotional wounds as a result of parenting. While there is no way to guarantee that a child will turn out the way you want and that you will always enjoy a happy and healthy relationship, following some of the principles discussed in this show is a good way to help your child develop into a mature and well-adjusted adult.

Four parenting styles that have been identified by psychologists are discussed:family_talking
- Authoritative – disciplines & punishes, but with love; boundaries are clearly stated and explained
- Authoritarian – “my way or the highway”; “because I said so”; often rules are communicated with a lack of love
- Permissive – children are allowed to do whatever, no rules or boundaries; parents want to be friends with the child
- Uninvolved – no emotional connection to the child
Some of the implications and research surrounding each of these parenting styles are discussed as well as the problems that can occur when there are conflicting parenting styles between parents. If you have children, or want to have children, or have ever been a child – this is worth listening to!
Life Transformations airs at 9:30 AM every Monday on CHRI family radio (99.1 fm in Ottawa, 88.1 in Cornwall and 100.7 in Pembroke). Featuring Michael Hart as host, this show highlights stories of life transformation, with testimonies of past clients and various guest speakers who work in the field of mental health.