Healing Retreat

Who could benefit from this retreat?
Emotional healing can help people who have suffered abuse, abandonment, neglect, betrayal, rejection or other deep emotional pain. Some of these emotional injuries may have happened in childhood but could also have to do with current issues such as divorce or bereavement which often triggers feelings of abandonment, betrayal or other strong feelings of hurt.
What if I can’t remember past hurt but feel I have been emotionally injured?
In many cases, people may have little or no recollection of emotional injury. However for people who have been abandoned, they may have a deep sense of not belonging, or in cases of abuse victims, they may be emotionally triggered by situations which bring back “felt memory” of the abuse. It is not necessary for the memory to be there, what is necessary is a sense of having troubling emotions or unwanted reactions that need to be overcome.
In many cases, behaviors such as drug use, promiscuity, and self-harm could be attempts to silence the emotional pain.
What can I expect after receiving emotional healing?
Emotional healing allows you to let go of old emotions that you may have been carrying around for years. People who have experienced emotional healing report feeling as if they have let go of a load that they have been carrying around for years. Many people experience physical healing from symptoms such as headaches and muscular pain which are sometimes symptoms of unhealed emotional wounds.
What can I expect at the retreat?
The retreat will provide a comfortable and peaceful environment in which attendees can detach from the busyness of life that often prevents us from getting in touch with emotional pain. Through the use of biblical teachings on subjects such as forgiveness, generational influence, and resentment, attendees will be given a thorough understanding of how past events may have affected them. Therapeutic and spiritual techniques will then be utilized to facilitate emotional healing.
How many attendees are you accepting?
Only 12 attendees will be selected for this retreat. Because people, in general, are uncomfortable sharing personal information in large groups, we have limited the size of the group to facilitate more personal sharing and provide the opportunity for each attendee to be ministered to individually.
How much will it cost?
The retreat provides accommodation and meals for all attendees from checking in on Friday afternoon to departure on Sunday morning. The cost of accommodation, meals, group teaching sessions, and personal emotional healing sessions will be $470 per person but there is an early bird rate of $390 if payment is made before April 1, 2020. Please keep in mind that spots are allocated on a first-come basis and registration has already begun.