Sexual Abuse

Woman-Hands-On-FaceWith guest Rick Lecuyer, Michael explores the topic of sexual abuse with the rape story in 2 Samuel as the backdrop. Canadian statistics released in 2011, based on 2009 police reported data, suggested that children and youth under 18 were more likely to be sexually victimized by someone they knew – in 85% of cases the perpetrator was a family member or someone known to the family. The research stated that in 2009, 55 000 youth and children were sexually assaulted and 3/10 of these offences were by a family member.

Rick and Michael discuss some of the short term effects on children of sexual abuse, as well as the long term effects on adults who were victimized as children. They look at the roles each member of the family unit play – the wounded victim of the abuse, the cunning parent/family member who perpetrated the abuse and the parent(s) who didn’t know or see what was going on.

Life Transformations airs at 9:30 AM every Monday on CHRI family radio (99.1 fm in Ottawa, 88.1 in Cornwall and 100.7 in Pembroke). Featuring Michael Hart as host, this show highlights stories of life transformation, with testimonies of past clients and various guest speakers who work in the field of mental health.